Intimacy Addiction

It’s one thing to be a sex addict. I’ve been a sex addict for quite some time but, in recognizing this, I have been able to be more responsible and not give in to urges unless it’s with someone that I feel at least some sort of connection with (despite my recent frustration of a dry spell).

It’s one thing to be a love addict. I know for a fact that I’ve suffered from this for as long as I can remember. I’ve spent far too long in my head fantasizing about “the one” and that elusive love feeling that just wraps you up and cradles you in a cocoon of warmth.

Intimacy addiction, however, is like this strange little middle ground between the two, the middle ground where I’m currently stuck. I miss intimacy with another person. Do I want to get laid? Oh, absolutely! But if an orgasm is all I’m after, I have a finger that can take care of that just fine. Do I want to be in love? You betcha! But I’m not going to go out seeking it or convince myself that initial feelies for anyone is actually love itself. That will happen on its own. What I do miss is the intimacy that you share with a partner. I miss kissing. Oh my GOODNESS how I miss kissing. I miss holding hands while sitting on the couch. I miss hugs from behind and little tickles when you least expect it. I miss neck nuzzles and temple pecks. I miss random dances in the kitchen and hearing the words “thanks baby.”

I miss having a connection and all that crap that comes with it. I detest random hookups but I’m craving simple touch. I wonder what kind of reaction I’d get if I just set up a kissing booth in the park across the street. “Don’t fret, folks! I just want to taste you for a moment! Now give me a hug, lemme squeeze that booty and you can be on your way.”

Being INTJ (Pt. 2)

Time for more diving in to how I work! And yes, spending hours sipping coffee, smoking a bowl, and researching/blogging in silence is fun for me. Much better than getting lost in more Netflix. Anyway..

‘INTJs are defined by their confidence, logic, and exceptional decision-making, but all of this hides a turbulent underbelly – their emotions. The very notion of emotional expression is synonymous with irrationality and weakness to many INTJs, a display of poor self-governance and fleeting opinion that can hardly stand up to the enduring light of factual truth.’

Case in point – writing my real feelings and experience in an anonymous blog rather than actually speaking to people who really do give a shit.

‘In many ways though, these qualities of coolness and detachment aren’t the weapons of truth that they appear to be, but are instead shields designed to protect the inner emotions that INTJs feel. In fact, because their emotions are such an underdeveloped tool, INTJs often feel them more strongly than many overtly emotional types because they simply haven’t learned how to control them effectively.’

When my mother shouted to me that my father and little brother were dead, I didn’t scream or cry out. I numbly wandered into my closet and stared at the shadows in my clothes. When we put down our 3rd pet that same year, I didn’t shed a tear. Inside, however, I was destroyed. I went so long without letting my emotions be seen that I forgot how to process them. Now I will hear a snippet of a song and completely lose it because it will remind me of that one time my father and I were road-tripping to Colorado to pick up my first car and I will remember the way he looked at me when my eyes lit up, seeing that ’87 Honda Prelude, so proud of his baby girl – because I didn’t process it when I should have. I feel things ridiculously deeply – I just don’t like letting others know, I guess.

‘INTJ personalities’ Thinking (T) trait acts as a protective big brother to their Feeling (F) trait – seeing that something has upset the less able sibling, it steps in to take action, letting logic do the talking and resolving the condition rather than complaining about its consequences.’

You got this, logic? Cool, I’m just gonna grab my teddy bear and a bottle of beam and be over here in my bed.

‘In romance, people with the INTJ personality type approach things the way they do with most situations: they compose a series of calculated actions with a predicted and desirable end goal – a healthy long-term relationship. Rather than falling head over heels in a whirlwind of passion and romance, INTJs identify potential partners who meet a certain range of pre-determined criteria, break the dating process down into a series of measurable milestones, then proceed to execute the plan with clinical precision.’

I strive to find reasons things went wrong with my previous relationships and apply those to the people that I meet. It’s so not romantic but at least I keep it in my head. Joe made me realize I deserved to receive as well as just give, Anti showed me that too much negativity can poison a person, Justin 1 showed me how destructive it can be to put someone else before myself, Justin 2 showed me that I can truly enjoy life but deserve to be taken care of as well, Spaz showed me that I don’t have the patience to deal with someone’s serious psychological issues when they have no grasp on them, Grumpy McDrunkypants showed me that some people are completely full of shit, and Micky showed me that passionate, caring people still do exist though they usually require more space. All of this combined makes for a red flag bingo card I keep in my mind at all times.

‘Sentiment, tradition, and emotion are INTJs’ Achilles Heel. Social standards like chivalry are viewed by INTJs as silly, even demeaning. The problem is, these standards have developed as a means of smoothing introductions and developing rapport, of managing expectations, the basis of personal relationships. INTJs’ propensity for frank honesty in word and action tends to violate this social contract, making dating especially difficult for them.’

I do like chivalry, and I’m good with my manners, but I will instantly shift to ‘bro mode’ if I feel comfortable around someone. Date or not, I want to be myself as quickly as possible.

‘Allowing others to come to them is often INTJs’ best strategy, and if they perceive a potential to the relationship, they will spare no effort in developing and maintaining stability and long-term satisfaction.’

Again, guilty. I think I’ve initialized all of maybe two conversations on those dating sites ever. I’d much rather wait around and see if someone finds interest in me. Maybe it’s lazy, I don’t know. I get anxiety trying to start something up.

‘INTJs seek strong, deep relationships, and trust their knowledge and logic to ensure that their partner is satisfied, both intellectually and physically. But when it comes to emotional satisfaction, INTJs are simply out of their element. Not every partner has the sort of fun INTJs do in addressing conflicts and emotional needs as puzzles to be analyzed and solved. Sometimes emotions need to be expressed for their own sake, and putting every outburst under the microscope isn’t always helpful. If this becomes habit, or INTJs think it may, they are capable of simply ending the relationship, rather than dragging things out.’

Save the drama for your mama. If it’s significant, let’s talk it out. If it’s something like complaining about a thing you have to do no matter what, for the fifth time, just stop. It has to be done. Accept it and move forward. Your incessant complaining is boring me.

‘INTJs are bewilderingly deep and intelligent people, bringing stability and insight into their romantic relationships. They prize honest, open communication, and all factors of the relationship are open to discussion and change, but this must be reciprocated. INTJs do what they think is right, and sometimes that comes across as cold – it’s important to know that INTJs don’t make these decisions lightly. They spend a tremendous amount of time and energy trying to understand why and how things go wrong, especially if they’ve devoted themselves to the relationship, and they certainly hurt deeply when things fall apart. The challenge is finding partners who share those same values – though Intuitive (N) types are uncommon, they may be a must for many INTJs, as sharing this trait creates an immediate sense of mutual belonging.’

That person’s out there somewhere, right? They understand that I’m not a bitch but sugarcoating is a waste of breath and I want to get right to the nitty gritty. Understand me. Please. This is all I really want.

‘People with the INTJ personality type tend to have more success in developing friendships than they do with romantic relationships, but they none-the-less suffer from many of the same setbacks, substituting rational processes for emotional availability. This intellectual distance tends to go both ways, making INTJs notoriously difficult to read and get to know’

I think this is a problem with most people, putting up walls about themselves until they feel they can really trust the person they’re spending time with. I do know about myself, however, that I’m terrible about keeping contact. I’ll wait anxiously to hear from someone but not say hi first. Maybe I just want to be wanted?

‘The fact is that in friendship, INTJs are looking for more of an intellectual soul mate than anything else, and those that aren’t prepared for that kind of relationship are simply boring. INTJs need to share ideas – a self-feeding circle of gossip about mutual friends is no kind of social life for them.’

This is why I’ve always had friends from all kinds of different circles. When we don’t know the same people, you won’t bore me with gossip. I really could not care less.

‘When it comes to emotional support, INTJs are far from being a bastion of comfort. They actively suppress their own emotions with shields of rationality and logic, and expect their friends to do the same. When emotionally charged situations do come about, INTJs may literally have no clue how to handle them appropriately, a glaring contrast from their usual capacity for decisive self-direction and composure’

As honored as I feel when someone chooses to open up to me, unexpected outbursts of tears throw me off my game. Do I pat you on the back? If I hug you will you hold on to me for longer than I feel comfortable with? If I open up with you, will you start coming to me with all of your little problems? Am I about to become your fixer? Ah, there I go over-analyzing again.

There’s a whole parenting section but I don’t feel that it really applies to me, not being a parent myself. As a preschool teacher, I know the way that I handle the children that I work with – thanks greatly in part to the fantastically strong, confident older woman who trained me. Man I miss her. However, this does not mean that I would treat my children the same way. Sooooooooo let’s move on.

‘INTJs tend to prefer to work alone, or at most in small groups, where they can maximize their creativity and focus without repeated interruptions from questioning colleagues and meetings-happy supervisors.’

I thrive in solitude. My ex-husband knew well that when I was editing pictures, I was in a zone and was not to be disturbed. I’m more focused that way. Other people just distract me from my work. Even as I have been writing this blog today, a maintenance man was knocking on doors in the hallway. Every time I would hear him knock, I would lose focus on what I was reading and have to re-read it. I’m too curious for my own good.

‘INTJs value personal initiative, determination, insight and dedication, and believe that everyone should complete their work to the highest possible standards – if a schmoozing shill breezes through without carrying their own weight, they may find INTJs’ inventiveness and determination used in a whole new capacity as the winds turn against them.’

Now I will admit to my fair share of schmoozing but only because I want to encourage my higher-ups that they can trust in my ideas and opinions. It’s much easier to bring a new concept to your boss if they feel comfortable and trustworthy with you. I ALWAYS back myself up with honest, hard work and I expect others to do the same if they wish to get anywhere. My first year working in preschool I received $2 in raises. I was making more than Lola who had been there for four years already. She was pissed that I was brand new but getting special treatment and insisted that I ask the owner to give her a raise. I immediately refused. I earned those raises by not only doing my job but also volunteering everywhere else, taking over library/resource room duties, taking photos for the school and creating a lucrative side business from it, bringing art into the Infant room, starting a book drive/Dr. Seuss week for the school and also starting my own projects to help put together lesson plan resources for the other teachers. I did these things because I wanted to. Only one of those things I was actually prompted to do – the others were my own idea to excel the best that I could at my job. I EARNED what I received. I would never sully my reputation to pander for a friend.

‘INTJs are independent people, and they quickly become frustrated if they find themselves pushed into tightly defined roles that limit their freedom. With the direction of a properly liberal manager, INTJs will establish themselves in a position of expertise, completing their work not with the ambition of managerial promotion, but for its own intrinsic merit.’

Yeah.. what I just said.

‘Above all else, INTJs want to be able to tackle intellectually interesting work with minimal outside interference, no more, no less. Time-consuming management techniques like trust-building getaways, progress meetings, and drawn-out, sandwiched criticisms are only going to annoy INTJs – all they need, be they subordinate, colleague, or manager, is to meet their goals with the highest standard of technical excellence and to be surrounded by, if anyone at all, people who share those values.’

I have no need for team building exercises. Seeing others work hard to achieve goals that they invest in just as much as their superiors makes for the best encouragement for me. I need to work in an environment where people really give a shit about what they do, not somewhere that’s just another job.

‘Titles mean little to INTJs – trust and respect are earned, and INTJs expect this to be a two way street, receiving and delivering advice, criticisms and results. INTJs expect their managers to be intelligent enough and strong enough to be able to handle this paradigm.’

Respect, respect, respect. This word is so important to me. Just 1 more letter and it’d make a fitting knuckle tattoo for me.

‘INTJs are brilliant analysts, and will likely gather a small handful of trusted colleagues to involve in their brainstorming sessions, excluding those who get too hung up on details, or who otherwise have yet to earn their respect. But more likely, INTJs will simply take the initiative alone – INTJs love embracing challenges and their consequent responsibilities, and their perfectionism and determination usually mean that the work comes out clean and effective, affording INTJs the twin joys of solitude and victory.’

Especially in a women-run preschool environment, cliques happen. The ladies want to hang out with each other on break and giggle and gossip and cluck.. or whatever they do. I’m never a part of these. If someone offers to help, and is really interested then I will extend an opening. Otherwise, work me is quite solitary. You’re apt to find me spending my break time reading a book, drawing, or working on a project.

In conclusion, I’m just a person trying to get to know myself better. Knowing that I’m not alone and a lot of the things I thought were so strange about myself feel somewhat validated now that I know it’s not just me. Others operate this way as well. Doesn’t introspection feel good?


Being INTJ (Pt. 1)

So I know there are a ton of tests out there to figure out who the hell you are. Deep down you know, but it’s nice to get someone else’s stance on the subject. Receiving validation does wonders. I went around for years with a popping jaw and occasionally it would turn to the most intensely painful head/jaw/teeth/neck pain that it would leave me debilitated for days, unable to eat or even talk. Finally I went to see a TMJ specialist and lo and behold, one side of my jaw is a few centimeters higher than the other, meaning that for the rest of my life I’m going to have to stay away from gum and overly-chewy foods (goodbye jerky), never fully put my teeth together when my face is resting, double up on my intake of certain vitamins, and visit an emergency room every once in a while for some strong pain meds when my head decides to randomly cave in. It sucks but being able to get validation from a professional that I’m not making the pain up, and the issue REALLY DOES EXIST made it a million times easier to live with.

Taking this 16 personalities test ( led me to the result that I have an INTJ personality (apparently only 0.8% of women are this so just take a look at this diamond in the rough, folks!) and it’s summed up this way ‘– it is often a challenge for them to find like-minded individuals who are able to keep up with their relentless intellectualism and chess-like maneuvering. People with the INTJ personality type are imaginative yet decisive, ambitious yet private, amazingly curious, but they do not squander their energy.‘ I took one look at this and was like ‘Holy crap, tell me more about me!’

Now there is no way that all people with one result are all the same, but a lot of the description they had for everything made so much sense to me.. Things that I realized about myself but didn’t know how to vocalize. Feeling like I’m in an emotional slump right now makes me want to look back at it. (Now there’s a good example of how I work – like a Christian turning to a Bible for answers, I turn to science and research to help discover myself. Hah!) I want to share how it makes sense to me, how I work, for my own sake or anyone else who’d like to know how others work so I want to share some excerpts that I found quite relevant and expand on the ideas.

‘A paradox to most observers, INTJs are able to live by glaring contradictions that nonetheless make perfect sense – at least from a purely rational perspective. For example, INTJs are simultaneously the most starry-eyed idealists and the bitterest of cynics, a seemingly impossible conflict. But this is because INTJ types tend to believe that with effort, intelligence and consideration, nothing is impossible, while at the same time they believe that people are too lazy, short-sighted or self-serving to actually achieve those fantastic results.’

Yes yes yes a million times yes! This explains why I can like or even love someone so deeply but still claim to hate people in general. There are PERSONS that I like but people? Lemmings. I know that the world is crap. It is. Every day brings new challenges and obstacles, shitty people, shitty luck.. There are times that things are just absolute shit and that’s unavoidable. The bright side of this? It helps you appreciate the good so much more. For me, being inspired is a feeling second only to love (which should include inspiration as well, in my opinion) and the only way to truly feel inspiration is to be optimistic and honestly believe that good can happen. There’s a very high chance it won’t, but damnit, I still have hope. Good things do still happen every now and again. You just have to be aware enough to recognize it.

‘Rules, limitations and traditions are anathema to the INTJ personality type – everything should be open to questioning and reevaluation, and if they see a way, INTJs will often act unilaterally to enact their technically superior, sometimes insensitive, and almost always unorthodox methods and ideas.’

I am always observing. I want to know why things are the way they are and in order to do that I need to be able to look at things through as many perspectives as I can. I could find a way to speak from anyone’s point of view to defend their reasoning behind an action, good or bad, to make it understandable – because that’s the only way to really know what was going through the person’s head and how they really felt when the act occurred. Maybe I should have been a lawyer. Because I take such an outsider’s point of view of everything, my advice is sometimes taken unkindly. I warn anyone that I know that they are always welcome to ask my advice or opinion on anything but they may not like the answer. I love good honest deep talk and I’m a great listener but if you ask my honest opinion on something I will be very blunt and it may not be what you want to hear. I don’t care who you are. I will be supportive of those I love no matter what but it doesn’t mean that I will show support for something I think is wrong.

‘INTJs can see things from many perspectives. INTJs use their creativity and imagination not so much for artistry, but for planning contingencies and courses of action for all possible scenarios.’

While I do also use my imagination for artistry in my spare time, I also agree with the rest of this. If I get a single inkling that something is amiss with a situation, my logic side will take over and I will consider all of the options at hand before I move forward.

‘INTJs trust their rationalism above all else, so when they come to a conclusion, they have no reason to doubt their findings. This creates an honest, direct style of communication that isn’t held back by perceived social roles or expectations.’

Again, I will remain open-minded and would love to hear your take on my thoughts of something but do not try to sway me if I feel strongly about it. If my opinion changes it will only be due to solid facts and discoveries, not by someone’s attempt to convince me. Throw some facts at me but let it be my choice to change my views.

‘Either an idea is the most rational or it’s wrong, and INTJs will apply this to their arguments as well as their own behavior, staying calm and detached from these sometimes emotionally charged conflicts.’

Go ahead and get worked up. I’ll be over here, cool as a cucumber, confident in my stance.

‘INTJs are incredibly efficient, and if tasks meet the criteria of furthering a goal, they will find a way to consolidate and accomplish those tasks. However, this drive for efficiency can also lead to a sort of elaborate laziness, wherein INTJs find ways to bypass seeming redundancies which don’t seem to require a great deal of thought – this can be risky, as sometimes double-checking one’s work is the standard for a reason.’

Yes, yes, but I swear I go over everything I type as I go. It’s more efficient that way. I did the same thing in grade school. All of my drafts of a paper would be the exact same thing re-written in pen and then typed up. *Efficiency*

‘All this rationalism leads to a very intellectually receptive personality type, as INTJs stay open to new ideas, supported by logic, even if (and sometimes especially if) they prove INTJs’ previous conceptions wrong. When presented with unfamiliar territory, such as alternate lifestyles, INTJs tend to apply their receptiveness and independence, and aversion to rules and traditions, to these new ideas as well, resulting in fairly liberal social senses.’

There is no way I could have worded that better. Brava!

‘Combined with their irreverence for social conventions, INTJs can be brutally insensitive in making their opinions of others all too clear.’

Guilty. Again, fair warning if you ever ask for my opinion on something.

‘INTJs tend to have complete confidence in their thought process, because rational arguments are almost by definition correct – at least in theory. In practice, emotional considerations and history are hugely influential, and a weak point for INTJs is that they brand these factors and those who embrace them as illogical, dismissing them and considering their proponents to be stuck in some baser mode of thought, making it all but impossible to be heard.’

Yes, I am judge-y and I try not to be. If you can catch my attention with something that will really change the way I see a subject, that’s awesome.. but if you use some archaic old way of reasoning (especially if it involves religious influence) it all turns into white noise for me.

‘A recurring theme with INTJs is their analytical prowess, but this strength can fall painfully short where logic doesn’t rule – such as with human relationships. When their critical minds and sometimes neurotic level of perfectionism (often the case with Turbulent INTJs) are applied to other people, all but the steadiest of friends will likely need to make some distance, too often permanently.’

I guess this explains why I’ve got a ton of ‘facebook friends’ but hardly anyone I actually talk to. I study in silence but don’t make an effort to reach out. I will always care but only fully for one or a few at a time. It’s cold. I’m sorry. It’s just the way I work.

‘Blindly following precedents and rules without understanding them is distasteful to INTJs, and they disdain even more authority figures who blindly uphold those laws and rules without understanding their intent. Anyone who prefers the status quo for its own sake, or who values stability and safety over self-determination, is likely to clash with INTJ personality types. ‘

The status is not quo. When you make a law or rule based off of your own insecurities (or religious mumbo jumbo) that does real emotional or physical harm to someone that you simply don’t agree with, that is not okay and I will never support it.

‘This antipathy to rules and tendency to over-analyze and be judgmental, even arrogant, all adds up to a personality type that is often clueless in dating. Having a new relationship last long enough for INTJs to apply the full force of their analysis on their potential partner’s thought processes and behaviors can be challenging. Trying harder in the ways that INTJs know best can only make things worse, and it’s unfortunately common for them to simply give up the search. Ironically, this is when they’re at their best, and most likely to attract a partner.’

Exactly where I’m at in this moment. Am I attractive now?

This is going to take a while, as I want to dive deeper into more ways that my personality affects my life. Time for a blog entry with -dun dun dun- ~*Multiple Parts*~